I really didn't want Peter Kuo to win Bamboo Nation's latest contest. After all, his seemingly endless diatribe in that post's comments section made want to vomit up my insides onto a newborn. He writes, "I would be horrifically disgusted if this comment were [to] be selected as a winner for this so-called 'contest.'"
Well, guess what? I accidentally picked his name randomly, which means that he has just won a UCLA Bruins T-shirt and cap! I honestly don't know who is more horrifically disgusted right now.
Anyway, as you contemplate that question, you can also begrudgingly watch another one of Peter's Keep or Jot vlogs. (Remember the first one I begrudgingly posted?). In this one, he teaches you how to be funny. Supposedly. Watch:
Congratulations, Peter, I guess. Or not. I don't really freaking care. Come get your shit.
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